In other words, the quintessential Yockeyite American huckster politician/capitalist or capitalist politician in "democratic" America. That being said, Warren, I believe a lot of Jewish political power doesn't come only from their money, but from the fact their population is actually a lot higher than we are led to believe. Google says there are 15 million in the world. Buloney, it was that 100 years ago. Yockey and others estimated upwards of 12 million in the US by 1920. They also interbreed with others and the offspring pretty much always acknowledge their Jewishness, even if they are raised in the religious aspect, thus proving it is about race, with the trappings simply sidelined.

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"their population is actually a lot higher than we are led to believe" - After 7000 miles and 40 years of rolling through the Western world end to end, I concur. The noticing started when I observed as an active insider their role in overtaking and redirecting away from nationalist populism the Solidarity movement in 1976-1989 Commie Poland.

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Amazing isn't it? They move right in and take over like an invasive species! That is what they did to the ancient Israelites (white people) as well, for those who truly know Scripture, not the believers in the judeo-Christian heresy. Those are the deceived, and Trump is the Great Deceiver of whom Revelation warns us.

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The irony here is that Trump is currently being compared to Hitler - a man who was all about principles and loyalty.

Trump, as you say, will use us like a piece of toilet paper. (And we should all understand that you cannot re-use toilet paper.)

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Temperamentally, they couldn't be more different.

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I'm glad that you explained it the way that you did. Not only is that a way of putting it but it makes total sense to everyone capable of thinking in these terms. Great article Warren.

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Spot on. After reading it, I felt as though I should have realized it long ago but for whatever reason, I didn't. The way Trump views the world and operates within it isn't rare (especially among boomers) however, it's such an alien thing to me, personally, that I have trouble recognizing it. Thinking about it now, I know a few people who are similar to Trump in this regard. It may not even be a particularly unhealthy mindset within a homogeneous society in a sane world where Western Civilization and the White race itself weren't in the process of getting snuffed out by a parasitic collective of dysgenic goblins but things being what they are, it's quite pernicious.

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Trump is a Zionist con man who appeals to low IQ idiots who can't distinguish between a genuine Patriot and a sleazy opportunist who will say anything and do anything for a headline.

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Great article!

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Trump has three half-Jewish grandkids by his sweetheartest daughter. Ethnic/race identity of a living person draws on the generational upstream as well as the coexisting downstream. It's not Jared Kushner, it's the grandkids. The man's soul is a mess re White identity politics, why is it so persistently overlooked?

True to fact, the German in him is still kicking.

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Half Jewish? Nope, Jewishness comes only from the mother. Look at Ivanka in her natural state compared to post surgery.


Now tell me those grandkids aren't Jewish!

Trump's father had a 'great relationship' with the Jews in NY real estate. Humm... Could he have been a secret Jew, a 'crypto Jew' is the correct term?

In mid 1700s Yacob Franks led the conversion of 10,000+ Polish Sabbatean Jews into Roman Catholicism. (They then persuaded the Polish archbishop to force the remaining orthodox Jewish population out of Poland, into exile and poverty. Nice people!) Then these Sabbateans percolated thru middle Europe, pretending to be 'real' converts - Christians - in Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland.... By the 1800s they were well placed to take over the financialization of central Europe as it changed from a rural economy into a trading and then an industrial economy. In the mid - late 1800s many 'central Europeans' migrated to America.

Nobody knows how many 'white Christian' European immigrants were really Sabbatean Jews. Not even normal Jews, just as no one knows how many Jews are secretly Sabbateans. But of the few Jews known to be Sabbateans, Justice Brandeis is the most famous. He was a very influential, often the the detriment of White Christians. Think of it as a heretical sect, hiding within mainstream Judaism, Christianity and even Islam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dönmeh

Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, was a crypto Jew and close to Yacob Franks. All the early, influential, Zionists seem to have been Sabbateans. Netanyahu's evil, treacherous morality is typical for a Sabbatean. "If you can't be wholly good, then be wholly evil". The Rothschilds are suspected of being Sabbateans. In which case one might wonder if their project, the NWO, isn't really a Sabbatean project.


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He needs to die.

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Lol, you're still around after that absolute farce of a for profit LLC masquerading as a political party collapsed because peinovich stole all the money for hidden valley and left you none for hair transplants for that Norwood Fivehead you got?

The Absolute State of WhIte Nationalism.

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I already know how my asshole operates!

That's enough!

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not true. they've moved past "only jew from the mother." ethnic jews are allowed into israel no matter which parent they got the judean ethny from.

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Trump is the epitome of the kind of politicians that Americans want. Somebody who passes as a strong man, but is pretty damn Quiet and his feminine in his mannerisms. Honest to God I think he’s one of those people that go both ways. The way he just purchased his lips when he talks makes me think of a chick, not a real man.

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Excellent writing thank you very much for covering this important subject. I agree with your analysis of Trump's success, and I would like to add a little about the HIDDEN HAND which helps Rump the donald... Trump became a made man when he joined up with the Jews heroin money laundry "casino" resorts international. Before that he was just another rich kid real estate con man loudmouth jackass playboy retart. After that he became a showman in the show government of the jUSA. The JEW WORLD ORDER of the banking dynasty and allied criminal super rich .00001% Jewish families has had complete control of the oval office since around the time they did Epstein style political sex blackmail on Woodrow Wilson OVER 100 YEARS AGO. Thanks to Jewish control of media and education systems, a lot of folks still don't understand this so here's a couple links to the real information that could possibly help you if you read it. https://americanfreepress.net/who-towers-behind-trump/


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yeah they target powerful non jews for intermarriage.

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